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ShopConnector 4.2.0

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The ShopConnector is now open source and the source code can be obtained via GitHub.

The Shop-Connector enables a SmartStore store to exchange product data directly and online with other SmartStore stores.
Therefore the merchant can create an unlimited number of import connections to import data and an unlimited number of export connections to export data. No manual handling of files anymore!




Use case scenarios:

  • You make use of drop-shipping and your drop-shipping-provider provides you with complete product data online. You don't need to enter data manually anymore.
  • Your wholesaler provides you directly with the product data.
  • Use as a product database or product information system and sell product-data and whole catalogs to other shops.
  • Exchange products and categories with affiliated shops.



What will be imported:
- Manufacturers
- Product data
- Product images
- Product keywords\tags
- Product attributes, attribute combinations and attribute combination images
- Specification attributes
- Product type related data like bundle items and associated items of grouped products
- Associations of required products
- Quantity units
- Localized values



Additional options support you in many practice scenarios
- Restrict the import to certain multi-stores and products
- Manufacturer and category filtering
- Updating of all data or only certain catalog data (e.g. name, short and long description, pictures etc.)
- Updating in a rolling way (just include data that have changed since last fetch)
- Restrict export to certain manufacturers
- Manually uploading product data files

Shop-Connector is available for free and open source. 

More information available:

Dieses Repository enthält das Shop-Connector-Plugin für Smartstore. 

fa_youtube_28px.png  SmartStore.NET - ShopConnector on youtube

pdf_logo_webapi.png  PDF-flyer 'ShopConnector for SmartStore.NET (DE)'
pdf_logo_webapi.png  PDF-flyer 'ShopConnector for SmartStore.NET (EN)'

  • 169 Dateien
  • 15 Kategorien
  • 29 Hochlader
  • payever Neueste Datei
  • smartstoreag Neuester Hochlader

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