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Optimize checkout


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1 Antwort zu diesem Thema

#1 wtmig



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Geschrieben: 05 April 2021 - 14:31

Hi all, hi @Smartstore!


First off: we greatly appreciate the software! It does so many things right. Seeing the results with Page Builder is a pure delight and we are excited about the possibilities of the rule builder!


Striving for further optimization, we are analyzing reasons for a sharp drop in conversion after switching platforms to Smartstore. The basis for this thread is an article by Neil Patel (the name is probably familiar):


Smartstore does very well on takeaways such as giving the checkout the same overall feel as the rest of the site. 


These two points are of concern, though:

  • requiring a separate registration in checkout results in a 30% drop in conversion
  • on a positive note, putting shipping information ahead of billing information actually increases conversion

Our own experience in connection with Smartstore corroborates these findings. While other factors probably have a bearing, we have seen a sharp drop in the conversion rate. This despite the fact that Smartstore has so many advantages to offer compared to our previous platform. 


We'd be happy to hear feedback from other users and especially hear back from Smartstore. Considering this could result in a 30% increase in conversion, we'd be happy to hear thoughts on implementation!


Kind regards





#2 stefanmueller


    SmartStore AG

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Geschrieben: 06 April 2021 - 12:41

Hi Torben, thank you for writing about your experiences with the Smartstore checkout workflow.


Please try to activate "order as guest"-option.


If you need that changes to the checkout, that can be done with individual development. The checkout is open source and in our github.


An example for workflow changes is "Shopping Cart Approval". Recently, we developed this as a new plugin: https://smartstore.c...-cart-approvals


Greetings, Stefan


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