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Run an E-Book Store with SmartStore.NET

books e-books samples shipping

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#1 GrahamD



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Geschrieben: 15 December 2017 - 10:41

Hi All,


I installed SmartStore.NET a couple of days ago, and have been playing around with it. So far, I'm impressed!

My plan is to run an e-book store using the platform, so I've been trying to get it to fit my needs. I have a couple of questions that, even after scouring through everything in Admin, I've yet to find the answer to. Hopefully, someone here can help. :)

1. No Shipping, ever: I've discovered how to set Products up as Digital Downloads, and therefore to hide shipping when those products are purchased. However, during checkout, the shipping icon still appears at the top of the wizard, even though it gets skipped when the user clicks Next. Also, when viewing prices in product lists, and on the product detail page, the text still reads: "R9,99 incl. tax plus shipping".

How can I get my store to never mention anything about shipping, whatsoever?

2. Prices including tax: I've set up my prices to be tax inclusive, but then on the invoice that gets generated for customers, it shows "Tax: R0,00". Is there a way to get it to still calculate and display the tax, even when the original price is tax inclusive? This is a legal requirement in South Africa, so for example, you'd see something like this on the invoice:

Total: R9,99
Tax (Included in price): R1,23

3. Renaming fields: There are obviously no fields for Author(s) for ISBNs in SmartStore. That's okay, though - I decided to use Manufacturer/Brand for Author, and SKU for ISBN. My problem is that the caption for the Manufacturer shows up as either "Manufacturer" or "Brand" everywhere (depending on what page you're on). Is there a way to make it read "Author" everywhere on the site?

4. Showing the SKU/ISBN: I can't figure out how to get the SKU (which also needs to be renamed "ISBN", similar to the above) to display on the Product Detail page. Is there a way?

5. Free Sample: I know I can upload the epub file for my products, and users can download them after purchase. But is there a way to ALSO upload a "Free Sample" epub file, which anyone--including anonymous users--can download?

That's all I can think of for now. Sorry to throw all these questions into one post. Admins, if you need me to create a separate thread for each one, I'll gladly do so.

Thank you for the amazing product! It looks really close to what I need.

I'm a .NET Developer, so I've also cloned the source code. I'll get it building and running this weekend, and start playing around with it. So I'm comfortable if some of my requirements will need coding changes, but I'd rather change the code as a last resort only, since SmartStore.NET seems to be highly customisable, and I think there's a good chance I'll get most of what I need without having to make code changes.


#2 Marcus Gesing

Marcus Gesing

    SmartStore AG

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Geschrieben: 15 December 2017 - 14:40

The field for ISBN is GTIN (global trade item number). Labels can be renamed through Configuration > Regional settings > View string resources > Filter Value (or name if you know it).

Marcus Gesing

Smartstore AG

#3 GrahamD



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Geschrieben: 16 December 2017 - 08:56

That's a massive help. Thanks, Macrus! :)

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