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Parallel upgrade from v.3.0.2

v.3.0.2 4.0.1

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4 Antworten zu diesem Thema

#1 Litaly



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Geschrieben: 06 September 2020 - 12:07

Hi everyone! 
Our shop is working on version 3.0.2 and it's time to upgrade it.
I tried mirrorly upgrade: our main shop is now running on 3.0.2 and at the same time, on another hosting path, I'm trying to make a clone of our main site ( for 100% safety and uptime of main shop).
I created "new site" on my hosting, new MSSQL database, that was restored from bak. file of main site DB.
Then I copied appdata, media, exchange folders and changed connection string for new db in Settings.txt.
After this I extracted SmartStore comunity verson 3.1.5 and checked "overwrite existing files and folders".
In addition I have changed SSL settings and site url in Database (column Store in DB), because main shop is using SSL.
After this shop is not working correctly. Structure and layout are missing, administration is not working (use https), \wishlist \logut etc. showing 404.
What was my mistake? I would be appreciated for any help
Here is screenshot of my homepage.

Angehängte Bilder

#2 Wolfgang Schmerge

Wolfgang Schmerge

    SmartStore AG

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Geschrieben: 08 September 2020 - 14:45



if the cloned store works properly, do the update according to the following instructions.






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#3 Litaly



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Geschrieben: 14 September 2020 - 10:58

The cloned store is working well.

But after migration (3.0.2 to 3.1.0 or 3.1.5) I have media and site structure problems (admin area is working)

I have noticed, that media urls are wrong


Product image V. 3.0.2 - Media/Default/Thumbs/0012/ХХХХХ.jpg

Product image V. 3.1.0  -media/image/14274/ХХХХХ.jpg

#4 Litaly



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Geschrieben: 17 September 2020 - 15:02

Image problem was solved, all media files migrated succesfully (it takes 10-15 minutes, 30K media files) after clear update from 3.0.2 to 3.1.5, with fresh backup of files and database (more info here)

Then I succesfully updated my cloned store to v.3.2.2.

The problem with structure of the site was not solved after update.

Frontend is working only with text, links and media files (I have uploaded screenshot in my first post). Administration is working. 

I also tried fresh install of 4.0.1 and it was the same problem with structure. The problem was solved in 5 minutes, after app restarting (fresh install)

After that, migration from v.3.2.2. to v.4.0.1 was unsuccessful (I have got server error 500)

My hosting is

I would be appreciated for any help  ;) 

#5 Litaly



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Geschrieben: 18 September 2020 - 15:44

Problem solved :) I've just changed theme configuration

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