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Inhalte von SalehBagheri

Es gab 8 Einträge für SalehBagheri (Suche beschränkt auf: 05-June 23)

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#277072 Moving to ASP.NET Core

Geschrieben: nach SalehBagheri am 11 May 2019 - 09:42 in General Smartstore

I think SmartStore goes very slowly. Their team should revise their strategies & management styles in order to improve their progress. otherwise, the SmartStore <3 will rest in peace ...

#277082 Moving to ASP.NET Core

Geschrieben: nach SalehBagheri am 15 May 2019 - 08:05 in General Smartstore

Ich entschuldige mich, wenn ich dich falsch beurteilt habe. Ich schätze Ihre Bemühungen. Ich bin einer der SmartStore-Fans. Ich bin jedoch der Meinung, dass die Anpassung an vorhandene Frameworks wie .NET Core etwas schneller erfolgen muss.

#277096 Moving to ASP.NET Core

Geschrieben: nach SalehBagheri am 15 May 2019 - 18:24 in General Smartstore

:blink:  :blink:

#279511 Upgrade from 2.6 to 3.2.2

Geschrieben: nach SalehBagheri am 17 April 2020 - 10:40 in General Smartstore



Yesterday, I upgraded our shop to version 3.2.2. After upgrading the shop, all images of products & categories are lost.


Before upgrading, I removed all files and folders except "App_Data" & "Media".


How can I fix this? We have about 200 products.

#279514 Upgrade from 2.6 to 3.2.2

Geschrieben: nach SalehBagheri am 17 April 2020 - 11:34 in General Smartstore




then the pictures should not be lost?
From which shop version did you update?
You have surely created a shop backup before or not?
Please restore it.



I update from 2.6 to 3.2.2, 

All of pictures are stored in "Media" folder, and they still exist.

#279522 How to decrease database size?

Geschrieben: nach SalehBagheri am 20 April 2020 - 22:35 in General Smartstore



Our store database reached 1GB, and the hosting provider doesn't allow the size of the database to be more than 1GB.


Now, I can't add new data such as product or category to the database.


How to decrease database size? or remove which items?


There are about 1800 removed products. but I think their pictures data still exist in "Picture" table. How to remove them?

#279529 How to decrease database size?

Geschrieben: nach SalehBagheri am 21 April 2020 - 20:24 in General Smartstore


where are the media stored to date according to the shop settings?
Configuration -> Settings -> Media Settings





Thank you for your answer.


I changed the media storage to File System.


I deleted log files, and shrank the database also.


But It reduced database size just 30MB.


I think product pictures still exist in database.


Is it right?

#279579 Checkout > Removing Billing Address selection process

Geschrieben: nach SalehBagheri am 02 May 2020 - 05:33 in General Smartstore

Is there any update about customizing this process?


I want to deactivate the billing address process step.