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There have been 9 items by Sherif Ahmed (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#276887 Circular component dependency detected

Posted by Sherif Ahmed on 13 March 2019 - 14:30 in General Smartstore

In version 3.1.5


I faced this issue 


Circular component dependency detected: 
SmartStore.Core.Data.DbQuerySettings -> 
SmartStore.Services.Stores.StoreService -> 
SmartStore.Services.Security.AclService -> 
SmartStore.Web.Framework.WebWorkContext -> 
SmartStore.Services.Customers.CustomerService -> 
SmartStore.Web.Framework.WebStoreContext -> 

#277329 WebApi Facets

Posted by Sherif Ahmed on 03 July 2019 - 11:04 in Customize & Extend Smartstore



Is it supported to get the facets of the searchresult in the webapi?

If so any clue to get it would be appreciated ...


Thanks in advance

#276420 DiscountType extending?

Posted by Sherif Ahmed on 08 December 2018 - 19:43 in Customize & Extend Smartstore

How can I introduce a new DiscountType to the enumerator?


Is there away to extend it so that I can choose a new DiscountType while creating discounts.


Thanks in advance

#276390 Add Message Template and new Model From Plugin

Posted by Sherif Ahmed on 27 November 2018 - 09:18 in Customize & Extend Smartstore

What is the proper way to add a Template Model (Plugin Entity) to the Liquid template in the preview mode (Test Mode) and in the normal one?
I Consumed 


so when I try to send the message from my logic the system can not find the new defined model so I handled it in my consumer,

but in the preview mode the event is not fired.


Is there any other way to handle it. and if there is any sample code for this part as a starting point ... that will be great.



Keep up good work

#277022 oData Expand Query

Posted by Sherif Ahmed on 24 April 2019 - 05:58 in Customize & Extend Smartstore

Thank you so much

#277011 oData Expand Query

Posted by Sherif Ahmed on 22 April 2019 - 16:45 in Customize & Extend Smartstore



I'm try to expand the category in the product to get it's name like below:




but I'm getting an error says:


The query specified in the URI is not valid. Could not find a property named 'Category' on type 'SmartStore.Core.Domain.Catalog.ProductCategory'.


Is this an issue or by (your or oData) design?



#277152 How to inject html in "productbox_add_info" widget zone from plugin?

Posted by Sherif Ahmed on 27 May 2019 - 21:44 in Customize & Extend Smartstore

Looks ok to me if MapRoute is correct. Could you please try to inherit from SmartController?


this is the routeprovider 


public partial class RouteProvider : IRouteProvider
    public void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
               new { controller = "AnotherController", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
               new[] { "SmartStore.MyPlugin.Controllers" }
         .DataTokens["area"] = "SmartStore.MyPlugin";
     public int Priority { get { return 0; } }
also tried to inherit from SmartController with no luck.

#277149 How to inject html in "productbox_add_info" widget zone from plugin?

Posted by Sherif Ahmed on 26 May 2019 - 02:53 in Customize & Extend Smartstore


I'm trying to add html to the "productbox_add_info" wiget zone from my plugin but always getting this error:

No route in the route table matches the supplied values.


I added it as you added the machine name in "MachineNameFilter"  as below



new { area = "SmartStore.MyPlugin" });
and the controller inherits from PublicControllerBase as below 
public class MyControllerController : PublicControllerBase
       public ActionResult MyAction() { return View(); }


and the view I just typed a dummy string to be notted only so no need for it 


and the DependencyRegistrar, RouteProvider is the same as usual (like DevTools plugin)


but I always get the above error, maybe I miss something


Thanks in advance

#277990 Removing % from product price

Posted by Sherif Ahmed on 10 September 2019 - 22:31 in Design & Theming Smartstore

I faced the same, but when I try to override it using themes it does not work.

I copied the same view into Themes/Flex/Views/Shared/Partials/Product.List.Item.Price.cshtml


and did my changes but didnot work

Is this normal behavior or not?


Best Regards