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juanholgado's Content

There have been 3 items by juanholgado (Search limited from 06-July 23)

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Spanish Language Pack (free) 3.0 in Language packs

No funciona bien, ya que no sale el listado de pedidos, tampoco en la demo de smartstore
  • juanholgado
  • 29 January 2018 - 18:39

Santander Payment Solutions 5.1.0 in Payment

Is valid for spain or only for Germany
  • juanholgado
  • 14 May 2019 - 06:06

Dynamic Scripts 4.2.0 in Storefront-Enhancements

I have installed the plugin, but it comes without the predefined...
  • juanholgado
  • 09 October 2019 - 12:40