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Disable blog and forum

blog forum

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2 Antworten zu diesem Thema

#1 mrrcomp


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Geschrieben: 30 August 2022 - 13:47


Just installed the smartstore been playing around with the definitions adding products etc. Nice product really looks like what we are looking for. to get away from the woocommerce /wordpress this seems so nice and neat...



Just a few tweaks that I haven't figured out from admin and really don't want to get into the of it if I don't really really have to..


Is there anyway to disable the blog and forum and prossibly news on the site? also the compare products option?? How do you control the footer links at the bottom? 


I'm sure there will be more questions to come 


Hope to get some helpful swift responses from the community






#2 Marcus Gesing

Marcus Gesing

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Geschrieben: 30 August 2022 - 14:38

"Is there anyway to disable the blog and forum and prossibly news on the site?"
See Configuration > Settings > Blog\News\Forum > Blog\News\Forum enabled.
"also the compare products option??"
See Configuration > Settings > Catalog > 'Compare Products' enabled.
"How do you control the footer links at the bottom?"
Via CMS > Menus > FooterCompany\FooterInformation\FooterService.

  • mrrcomp gefällt das

Marcus Gesing

Smartstore AG

#3 mrrcomp


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Geschrieben: 31 August 2022 - 06:19

@Thanks I can't believe I missed those "settings in the menus" .. :)



But under CMS i don't have "Menus" ??


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