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Web API filtering order by an order attribute

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#1 ertank



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Geschrieben: 08 August 2023 - 19:52



Using Smartstore v5 and how can I filter an order having Attribute named XXX and value 0 using WEB API access?


I could not find a $filter example using an attribute so I am asking in here for help.


Thanks & Regards,


#2 Marcus Gesing

Marcus Gesing

    SmartStore AG

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Geschrieben: 09 August 2023 - 13:23

This is difficult. The attribute data is stored in OrderItem.AttributesXml: XML formatted in Smartstore version < 5 and JSON formatted since version 5. So you would have to filter this string. I cannot say if this works because I haven't tried it yet.

  • stefanmueller gefällt das

Marcus Gesing

Smartstore AG