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Product page slowness

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2 Antworten zu diesem Thema

#1 suat_suphi



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Geschrieben: 25 May 2023 - 10:39



The image on the product page comes too late and causes the page to open too late. The live-demo version on Smarstore is old and starts up fast. I thought the problem was with my hosting, but I found the example on the following website. It also opens very slowly when working on the visual studio (product page)


Media storage > File System

#2 suat_suphi



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Geschrieben: 27 May 2023 - 10:01

The problem is as follows. When I disable this section, it opens very fast.


                        <!-- social share -->
                        <div sm-if="Model.ProductShareCode.HasValue()" class="pd-share d-flex justify-content-@(Model.ProductType == ProductType.GroupedProduct ? "start mt-4" : "center mt-3")">


note: script url is dead 


<script  async='async'  


In the example, the async feature of the script is not added.


if it is added, the page will load and there will be no waiting, even if the url does not work.

#3 stefanmueller


    SmartStore AG

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Geschrieben: 07 June 2023 - 08:45

Hi Suat, please consider reporting that as a bug on our github, so it is tracked and worked on, Thank you. Greetings Stefan

  • suat_suphi gefällt das
