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Cloning view into new theme causes crash (v5.0.4)

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6 Antworten zu diesem Thema

#1 nickh


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Geschrieben: 24 April 2023 - 16:14

I'm wanting to display a custom footer on the site, so I've cloned the /Views/Shared/Components/Footer folder (containing the footer default view) into my theme, but even before I make any changes to it, the site crashes when opening any page, with the following error:



Controller: Error, Action: Error, Status: 500 (InternalServerError)

Cannot find compilation library location for package 'System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs'



I can't find any reason for this, as the Footer is currently identical to the original.  Is this a bug?

#2 nickh


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Geschrieben: 25 April 2023 - 16:45

This is actually a problem in the main branch too - and the same error is produced no matter what view file(s) are added to a new theme.

#3 nickh


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Geschrieben: 28 April 2023 - 09:10

Can someone at Smartstore provide an update for this please?  Theming is effectively completely bust on the main branch right now!

#4 stefanmueller


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Geschrieben: 28 April 2023 - 11:15

please try the newest hotfixes, updated yesterday.

Please report if that fixes it!


#5 nickh


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Geschrieben: 28 April 2023 - 11:36

Thanks Stefan, but it's still broken.


I've even tried running the code in the main branch (which presumably has even more recent changes/fixes) and it's still not working there either.  It takes 30 seconds to recreate:


Copy Flex theme folder, copy ANY view into the new theme's View folder, set as active theme and reload any front-end page = crash

#6 stefanmueller


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Geschrieben: 28 April 2023 - 11:42

Hi Nick, thank you for your feedback, so if you do not mind please add this as an issue on our github. The best and direct way to get it done.
I did not find it with a search on Cryptography


Greetings Stefan


#7 nickh


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Geschrieben: 28 April 2023 - 11:56

Bug raised here: