That seems to be a server setup problem on your side.
lets break that down
Your error message reads: Could not load file or assembly 'AngleSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=e83494dcdc6d31ea'. The system cannot find the file specified.
"AngleSharp is a .NET library that gives you the ability to parse angle bracket based hyper-texts like HTML, SVG, and MathML. XML without validation is also supported by the library. "
Smartstore wants to get "Version=" but that is somehow not available to your Smartstore installation. This is more technically involved. You need to check (with an admin/your hoster) why.
You can go yourself to Smartstore Admin -> System --> System information and there a click on "loaded assemblys" This shows you. which assemblys are loaded / used with your Smartstore installation. Use CTRL+F in your web browser to quickly search for "Angle" to find all versions of anglesharp assemblies in that very long list.
Below is a screenshot of that list in my Smartstore 5.0.1 demoshop. I have two versions of AngleSharp on my system. (see the bright red arrows)
In Smartstore Release 5.0.1 AngleSharp is included in Version
assemblies-anglesharp-smartstore501.jpg 218.83K
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