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Smartstore API


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3 Antworten zu diesem Thema

#1 john789



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Geschrieben: 27 July 2021 - 10:13


I would like to find out more about the Smartstore API and what it can do.

I would like to build a mobile app for my customers to use (customer register, browse stock, place orders, etc).

Can the Smartstore OData API achieve this?

Kind regards,


#2 stefanmueller


    SmartStore AG

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Geschrieben: 27 July 2021 - 12:24

Hi John,


sure, but maybe a custom smartstore plugin is a better way to connect many app users to your shop, without api overhead and performance issues. This should be discussed with a developer from us.


This is a more business-related question: Do you really need an app? Customers have to install it on their mobile device. A major hurdle. Often not worth the app development effort. Do you believe, that they will install it in large enough numbers?


On the other hand, Smartstore has a great mobile web interface.


Greetings, Stefan


#3 john789



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Geschrieben: 27 July 2021 - 12:29

Good point. I was just looking into it for the future.

Another question that's possible related: Can Smartstore have multiple inventory locations?

For example if I have an online store as well as two physical stores. Can they each have their own inventory per store (both stores will share the same products)?

#4 stefanmueller


    SmartStore AG

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Geschrieben: 06 August 2021 - 19:58

Hello John, 


"multiple inventory locations?"


not out-of-the-box, that is it is not included in the standard software.


I remember we provided that feature for a client, as a custom development.


Please contact us at for a price quote.


Greetings, Stefan


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