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What's the difference between Accept (button) and Return authorized?

return request sales

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#1 oldcastle



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Geschrieben: 14 July 2021 - 21:42



Too bad that I cannot see the Return requests in action on the demo. I don't think it works there.


So, I looked at the docs, and now I'm a bit confuse with the workflow. I noticed there is the Accept button and the Return request status dropdown with an option of "return authorized". 


1) Are they the same thing? I mean, can I only choose "return authorized" and click save, or do I still need to click Accept?


2) What if I choose "Request rejected" on the dropdown and click the button Accept. What will happen?





#2 Wolfgang Schmerge

Wolfgang Schmerge


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Geschrieben: 15 July 2021 - 09:28

Hi Castle,


Return request option -> Return request status "Return authorized".
After that, the option Accepted can no longer be selected.
Info in the customer account that the return was accepted.
In case of stock management, the stock level is not updated.
Return request option -> Directly clicked the Accept button.
Stock level can be adjusted.
Status changes to "Return authorized".
Info in the customer account that the return was accepted.
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#3 oldcastle



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Geschrieben: 15 July 2021 - 10:33

Hi Wolfgang,


Thank you for your answer.


So, what is the "correct" way to handle Return request? Is my logic correct below?


1) If I want to reject the return, I would set Return request status to Request rejected and click Save. No other action needed.


2) If I want to accept the return, I would set Return request status to Return authorized and click Save. No other action needed.


3) I only use the Accept button if I need to adjust the stock level.


Thank you!

#4 Wolfgang Schmerge

Wolfgang Schmerge


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Geschrieben: 15 July 2021 - 12:26



so far ok but I would still inform the customer. 
"Notify customer about status change"
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#5 oldcastle



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Geschrieben: 15 July 2021 - 12:52




so far ok but I would still inform the customer. 
"Notify customer about status change"
Best regards



Oh...I thought the system would do that automatically. So, it means that if I want to notify the user, I have to click the button "Notify customer about status change". Is that correct?

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