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password forgotten seem to not work anymore

password forgotten

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#1 Wlady


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Geschrieben: 11 November 2019 - 14:47

The feature "reset password" does seem not  to work anymore. The message that the email was sent will be displayed but the email will not arrive! Vers. 3.2.x, 53aef6b4a -, Vers. 4.x:

#2 Wlady


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Geschrieben: 12 November 2019 - 11:45

Since immediately the function goes for both URLs.  :huh:   All pending emails from yesterday have come now!  :confused:  

#3 Wlady


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Geschrieben: 12 November 2019 - 12:59

It noticed that in the table: [ScheduleTask] there is a single entry named: "Send E-mail". This one has the NextRunUTC: 2019-11-12 11: 16: 00.000 (today). The mails were dropped 2019-11-11 10: 04: 06.663 (yesterday - time from [QueuedEmail]). Is the delay coming from the schedule logic?

If desired, the database can be made available.

Has the password recovery mail now ended up in the schedule logic? Of course, this one should be sent without delay.

#4 Marcus Gesing

Marcus Gesing

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Geschrieben: 12 November 2019 - 13:44

Yes, the message is queued. Therefore the default scheduling time setting of the task is set to "every minute".

Marcus Gesing

Smartstore AG

#5 Wlady


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Geschrieben: 12 November 2019 - 16:28

But how is the delay of 1 day to explain?

#6 Wlady


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Geschrieben: 12 November 2019 - 19:41

When I press the password restore function, I get the message that a mail with instructions has been sent to me. I do not think that's right, because it can lead to confusion (as in this case):
- At this time, the system can not even know if the mail goes out
- Apparently there are circumstances that can significantly delay the shipping - the user will wait around and suspect a mistake.
Best Regards

#7 Wolfgang Schmerge

Wolfgang Schmerge

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Geschrieben: 13 November 2019 - 12:39

Hi Wlady,


Is the mail listed under https://yourdomain.c...ueuedEmail/List as not sent?
Which value is displayed in the Cron Expression field of the mail-task?

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#8 Wlady


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Geschrieben: 13 November 2019 - 15:10

Hi Wolfgang,


Unfortunately there is no mail under the URL. See the attachment, what I get.

I enclose a picture of my mailing list. All were on 12.11. sent but much sooner generated.




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#9 Wolfgang Schmerge

Wolfgang Schmerge

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Geschrieben: 14 November 2019 - 09:08

Hi Wlady,


Which value is displayed in the Cron Expression field of the mail-task?

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#10 Wlady


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Geschrieben: 14 November 2019 - 09:41

What is please "Cron Expression field of the mail-task" and how can I see the value?

Do you want to have the DB?

#11 Wolfgang Schmerge

Wolfgang Schmerge

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Geschrieben: 14 November 2019 - 12:00

Hi Wlady,


no, make a screenshot of System -> Scheduled Tasks





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#12 Wlady


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Geschrieben: 14 November 2019 - 13:54

Here are the screenshots...

A note: an older SmartStore version, 3.1.x is running on the same server. There, at the same time, the mails for password recovery went well.


#13 Wolfgang Schmerge

Wolfgang Schmerge

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Geschrieben: 14 November 2019 - 14:49

Hi Wlady,


I was talking about the settings in your shop. 





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#14 Wlady


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Geschrieben: 14 November 2019 - 17:07

SSTask.jpg looks good.

But I found the following errors (see attachment SSTaskErrors.jpg). They arise every minute!

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#15 Wolfgang Schmerge

Wolfgang Schmerge

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Geschrieben: 15 November 2019 - 09:44

Hi Wlady,


please make a screenshot of the shop settings.


Configuration -> Stores





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#16 Wlady


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Geschrieben: 15 November 2019 - 11:19

Hi Wolfgang,

Here are the screenshots...



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#17 Wolfgang Schmerge

Wolfgang Schmerge

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Geschrieben: 15 November 2019 - 11:54

Hi Wlady,


I can see two problems.

The domains do not match.
I see the domain in the browser bar.
In the shop configuration stands
Additionally I see another website when I call Domain

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#18 Wlady


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Geschrieben: 15 November 2019 - 13:17


This is no problem. My web server is running on The domain (as well as some others) are redirected to it. The respective domains are entered in the bindings of the corresponding page settings. Several SmartStore versions - 3.1, 3.2, 4x are running on this test server and this has not been a problem so far.

Please consider, the mails are sent, but 1 day later!

Currently waits again an email for Password restore on shipment.

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#19 Wolfgang Schmerge

Wolfgang Schmerge

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Geschrieben: 15 November 2019 - 15:46

Hi Wlady,


as long as the shop URL does not match the URL entered in the shop, you will always have problems with the taskscheduler.





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#20 Wlady


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Geschrieben: 15 November 2019 - 16:01

Hi Wolfgang, do you mean that shop URL must be called (or ? No problem. And how is it with the Host Values?

