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Location to store extra product information

Product Customize

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4 Antworten zu diesem Thema

#1 CompleteCoders


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Geschrieben: 24 September 2017 - 16:19

I need to store some a lot of extraneous data for a product.  We are building a custom product template to collect all this data.  I am curious if there is a logical place to store this data.  I can store it in JSON format if I need to but I wouldn't be able to query it well then, but if that makes the most sense then I will.  


I thought about creating my own tables to store it, but my concern is that as the product moves from table to table as it moves through the process of being purchased that these values follow it along.  


Thanks for any recommendations you can share.




#2 robinmuk


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Geschrieben: 25 September 2017 - 04:57

Maybe you could use specification attributes

Best regards



#3 Marcus Gesing

Marcus Gesing

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Geschrieben: 25 September 2017 - 10:47

You can use the SyncMapping entity for that. See also here.

Marcus Gesing

Smartstore AG

#4 CompleteCoders


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Geschrieben: 26 September 2017 - 04:18

@Marcus Gesing


Thank you for the link.  Is there a existing plugin that implements SyncMapping that you know of?  


Is there a downside for doing SyncMapping vs my own entity?

#5 Marcus Gesing

Marcus Gesing

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Geschrieben: 26 September 2017 - 11:19

Yes, there are existing plugins using it but no open source plugin yet. A downside is less performance if there are many plugins storing large amounts of data in SyncMapping.

Marcus Gesing

Smartstore AG