I require to know the best way to organize automotive products based on a Make/Model/Year breakdown. My website sells car parts that I would like to breakdown by make, model, or year. When researching SmartStore.net, I was intrigued by the example store: http://www.felgen-online.de/
How would I replicate/incorporate the same "Choose Vehicle" feature? Is this done simply by using categories? That seems inefficient. I am using international vehicle PIES and ACES data. This data can be exported to display all SKUs and their makes, models, and year attributions. Along with other vehicle data such as engine, position, etc. I need a way to attach these applications to a SKU in SmartStore.
An example would look like something similar to what you find on Ebay:
Capture-EBay.PNG 455.71K 0 Anzahl Downloads
I have done research and it does not look like there is any available plugin for automotive parts data. I am prepared to work with a developer to help us with this.