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Checkout > Removing Billing Address selection process


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6 Antworten zu diesem Thema

#1 Divesh Pal

Divesh Pal


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Geschrieben: 18 August 2015 - 19:53



In Checkout module , I don't want Billing Address selection process. I just need only shipping address. 


Please let me know how can I customize and remove Billing Address selection.



Divesh Pal

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#2 Marcus Gesing

Marcus Gesing

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Geschrieben: 19 August 2015 - 11:57

You can setup a new plugin and use action filters to customize the checkout process. See Amazon payment plugin (SmartStore.AmazonPay), in particular Filters/AmazonPayCheckoutFilter and Controllers/AmazonPayCheckoutController how to do that.
Hint: In case of filtering the billing address step, I would set the billing address (though you do not need it) to the selected shipping address because otherwise the further checkout would not validate.

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Marcus Gesing

Smartstore AG

#3 SalehBagheri


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Geschrieben: 02 May 2020 - 05:33

Is there any update about customizing this process?


I want to deactivate the billing address process step.

  • GalenKa, RidgeOi und Brantot gefällt das
S Ʌ L Ξ H - B Ʌ G H Ξ R I

Microsoft Certified Professional

#4 Marcus Gesing

Marcus Gesing

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Geschrieben: 04 May 2020 - 10:10

No. The principle is unchanged in this form and the hint is still valid too.

Marcus Gesing

Smartstore AG

#5 wtmig



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Geschrieben: 04 March 2021 - 22:22

we'd be very much in favor of a solution whereby a separate billing address is merely optional, not mandatory. requiring the user to enter the same address (in 99% of our orders across several shops) has a very pronounced negative impact on conversion rate.


Kind regards, Torben

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#6 Marcel Schmidt

Marcel Schmidt

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Geschrieben: 04 March 2021 - 22:45

Hi there,
I don't really understand the problem at first glance.
If your customer's shipping and billing addresses are exactly the same, they can simply click the button in the checkout to select the addresses they have already entered before.
However, if your shop doesn't need to separate billing and shipping addresses, you can skip this step entirely and set the customer's billing address as the shipping address, using a small plugin as described by Marcus above.
Best regards

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#7 meysam



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Geschrieben: 05 March 2021 - 08:05

you can use checkout plugin



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