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Implementing New ReCAPTCHA from Google

recaptcha CAPTCHA Security Human Readable

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#1 samdubey



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Posted 20 July 2015 - 15:39

Hello Team,


Right now ReCAPTCHA integrated shows characters to enter for security


I want to implement New Google ReCAPTCHA for SmartStore.Net


It needs following configuration for using new ReCAPTCHA


should i write plugin for make changes in code itself?

Step 1: client-side integration
Paste this snippet before the closing </head> tag on your HTML template:<script src='https://www.google.c...i.js'></script>Paste this snippet at the end of the <form> where you want the reCAPTCHA widget to appear:<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6LeLEAoTAAAAAImkpWOvIDVkZ9svZgQ83_i02ENg"></div>The reCAPTCHA documentation site describes more details and advanced configurations.
Step 2: Server side integration
When your users submit the form where you integrated reCAPTCHA, you'll get as part of the payload a string with the name "g-recaptcha-response". In order to check whether Google has verified that user, send a POST request with these parameters: secret(required) 6LeLEAoTAAAAAHZA3cy_dYl2TaPfWNPgBDv1j40y response(required) The value of 'g-recaptcha-response'. remoteip The end user's ip address.


Sameer Dubey

Director - Technology & Solutions



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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: recaptcha, CAPTCHA, Security, Human Readable