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6 Antworten zu diesem Thema

#1 Bulut Kartal

Bulut Kartal


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Geschrieben: 09 March 2015 - 00:27

Hi everyone,

I am a newbie here and I would like to ask some questions since there is not enough instructions.


First of all, thank you guys for this great product. It is amazing!




1- How can I add new pages? If I refer on backend does it creates automaticly?

2- How can I change the left and right content header(categories and cominity pool)? I couldn't manage to find where they are coming from.

3-Is it possible to change the wishlist management if would like to create a gift registry? I also need to register the wishlists like customer registration with id's.


Thank you!

#2 Bulut Kartal

Bulut Kartal


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Geschrieben: 09 March 2015 - 11:13


#3 Marcus Gesing

Marcus Gesing

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Geschrieben: 09 March 2015 - 13:03

1) See CMS > Topics in the backend. And maybe CMS > Widgets could be interesting too.
2) See Configuration > Regional Settings > Languages > View String Resources. Filter "Resourcename" for the value "Categories". I do not know what you could mean with "cominity pool".
3) I can not answer that. More details could be helpful. I never heard of registering a wishlist.

  • Bulut Kartal gefällt das

Marcus Gesing

Smartstore AG

#4 Bulut Kartal

Bulut Kartal


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Geschrieben: 09 March 2015 - 17:37

Thanks for the answers. It was typo (cominity)  :) For wishlist, I would like to create a gift registry so I need to connect the registered users with those wishlishts. The other users can be able to view and add products to their cart from someoneelse's wish list but they will have no control over wishlist. Only whoever creates the wishlist will be able to change. When other people buy those items it will deduct those items from wishlist automaticly. Like  a regular bridal registry website. bedbathandbeyond has a gift registry module and it is a good example for this process.


Thank you! 

#5 robinmuk


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Geschrieben: 09 March 2015 - 18:55

For gift registry you need heavy customization work to include the type of event (bridal, birthday, etc.), event date, name(s) of event owner(s), address(es) wheres the gifts are going to be sent; features for searching events, etc. etc.

Best regards



#6 Bulut Kartal

Bulut Kartal


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Geschrieben: 09 March 2015 - 19:17

I did those parts but I couldn't arrange the wishlist management and couldn't arrange the relationship between cart and wishlist.

#7 Marcus Gesing

Marcus Gesing

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Geschrieben: 09 March 2015 - 20:53

Some thoughts:
- A wishlist has a strong customer context. Everyone has its own. No one could view or change the wishlist of someone else.
- A wishlist item is technically identical with a shopping cart item. Both are variants of the ShoppingCartItem entity and 
only differ by ShoppingCartType (see Core/Domain/Orders, "ShoppingCartType.ShoppingCart" and "ShoppingCartType.Wishlist").
So probably the best choice\start would be to create a new ShoppingCartType.
- Most music plays in Web.ShoppingCartController and Services.ShoppingCartService. ShoppingCartService.Copy is used to copy
items from the wishlist to the cart. ShoppingCartService.MigrateShoppingCart is used to move cart items from one user to another
(to ensure that a guest is not losing his cart items after registering).

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Marcus Gesing

Smartstore AG