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SmartStore Web API 5.1.0

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The SmartStore Web API allows direct access to the data of your online store. It relies on the OData protocol which is a standardized web protocol.
SmartStore Web Api

The SmartStore.Ne Web API  is build on the most recent technologies Microsoft offers for web based data consuming, the ASP.NET Web API and the OData provider. It uses C# code but you can build your consumer in any common programming language. As OData is a standardized protocol there are a lot of frameworks and toolkits available for various platforms.
The Open Data Protocol (OData) is a standardized web protocol that provides an uniform way to expose, structure, query and manipulate data using REST practices. OData also provides an uniform way to represent metadata about the data, allowing clients to know more about the type system, relationships and structure of the data.
More information available:
fa_git_28.png  more information, sourcecode and documentation 
octicon-link-external.png  online documentation

pdf_logo_webapi.png  PDF-flyer 'The SmartStore.NET Web API v3.0.pdf'

fa_info-circle_28_0_49bac9.png Since Smartstore 4.0.0 the SmartStore.NET Web API is free for all and available for download here.

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